About Avila Partners

Avila Partners provides energy research and policy consulting to support the path to a cleaner energy future. Our work includes emerging technology development and validation, lab and field testing of energy-related innovations, and efforts to make existing buildings run better, such as auditing, commissioning, and data analytics.

Why “Avila”? The nearby beach town of Avila Bay on California’s central coast is the source of the word, but beyond that, it is pleasant to say and to hear. Ávila is also the name of a medieval town in Spain with well-preserved walls and cathedrals dating back nearly a thousand years. The root of the word is Germanic, with meanings including bird, strength, and desired.

Why “Partners”? We view every engagement as a partnership to achieve specific goals. Our network of contacts across the energy efficiency field allows us to partner with other experts to build strong teams. Our clients are our partners in discovery, progress, and action.


Energy • Buildings • Research • Consulting